Saturday, December 3, 2011

Friday, August 26, 2011

E mail

From the seeing eye A few days ago Lucas Frank wrote he was comint to p fora Juno walk evaluation for a guide dog wo
Wow , i 'm so happy and scared Can't wait thank u Jesus

Sunday, July 3, 2011

cruella De ville

The lady at Blind Services even wanted to take away my dog and send it to a shelter.  My dog is a service dog , owner trained.  She gives me emotional support and helps me socialize. As a child i was extremely shy. The kind of person that sometimes is invisible to others,  people talk to me because of my dog and this helps me socialize besides she helps me find things when i drop them.  She is still learning , but she makes people look at me as a person not a blind person. She is not a guide dog, I still use the cane.

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Criando y entrenando mi propio perro guia/ servicio.

 hacer esto yo misma.  En este blog intenatare documentar el proceso ya que tuve una perra que entrene y cometi el error de no documentar el proceso.Aveces es que le falta tiempo para sentarse a escribir.

Fanta Playing 3-15-11

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Robo de Labrador

Please, por favcor, help this person find his dog. Ayude a esta persona a encontrar su peroo. Estro es yuna verguenza que haya pasado algo asi . Afecta el turismo y el futuro de Puerto Rico ya que estas personas lo pensarian dos veces antes de venir aqui.

Monday, January 31, 2011

How can this be done?

 The voices of the blind is being heard around the world.  With the use of technology, screen readers, the blind can write letters, read documents using a scanner and appropriate software,The use of technology to assist disabled person is opening the doors of opportunity for the handicapped. Technology is giving the blind and the handicapped more independence and power to decide on important issues such as voting.  A blind person can manage his own money using a money scanner  and choose the color of clothes he or she wants to wear using a color scanner. There are talking books . and other equipment that make it easier to read on the go.  We can study online, shop online , bank online , almost everything online. Yes, technology has empowered the handicapped.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Can a blind person use a computer?

Many people wonder how a blind person can use a computer.  They are surprised to know that a blind person is pod casting, blogging, surfing the net, is on face book , twitter and writing web sites.A blind person writing on a computer?Is this possible?